This interactive VR artwork, the “Virtual Cubby” was created with years 3 and 4 students at Lauriston Girls School Scholar in Residence program.
This room scale, walk through VR drawing, with stories and 3D scanned objects, chosen by the students, that audiences, wearing a VR headset can touch, hold and listen to.
The VR work contains 27 scanned objects, 3D drawings with audio recordings and was made with some 80 students over a two week residency. And describes places of meaning around the School chosen by the students themselves.
The virtual drawn architecture is based on the Moreton Bay Fig situated in the school grounds and was designed in Tilt Brush using Vive Headset. The interactive components were designed by developer Warren Armstrong.
Special thanks to Kate Heir, Louise Bachelor and Emily for all your support during the programs development and delivery. And to all the students for your contributions, ideas and enthusiasm. Collaborating with you was amazing!
Detail from inside 3D virtual environment.